How do the energy rating work?

The Energy Star Rating system assigns a number of stars to each air conditioner and this is displayed on the energy label. It gives an indication of how energy efficient an appliance is compared to other similar appliances. Currently, the range of stars is between a minimum of one and a maximum of six, shown in half star intervals.


The Minimum Energy Performance Standards program is mandatory by government legislation for air conditioning equipment sold in Australia.


TESAW is an award system created by government to recognize the most efficient star rated products on the market. It helps consumers quickly identify the most efficient products available. The government updates the award every year and the scheme replaces the previous Galaxy Award system.

Capacity Output

The measure of cooling or heating performance of an air conditioner usually specified in kilowatts although some product brochures still quote B.T.Us. The heating capacity of a reverse cycle air conditioner is the heat that can be put into a room. Likewise, the cooling capacity of an air conditioner is the heat that can be removed from a room.


The measure of energy efficiency for cooling is the Energy Efficiency Ratio (E.E.R) and for heating is the Coefficient of Performance (C.O.P). The E.E.R and C.O.P are defined as the capacity output divided by the power input. The efficiency of the air conditioner depends on the components used, their design and how well these are matched.


The measure of energy efficiency for heating is the Coefficient of Performance (C.O.P). Similar to E.E.R above but relating to heating performance. Heating performance of an air conditioner is one of the most efficient of all forms of heating as you get more heating capacity out compared to the power used.


Digital Signal Processing chip uses algorithms that require a large number of mathematical operations to be performed quickly on a set of data. Texas Instruments is widely considered the market leader in general-purpose DSPs.

R410a gas

Touted as the refrigerant gas of the future, R410a is the current preferred substitute for R22 gas. It has a higher thermal volumetric cooling capacity and thus better thermal exchange properties. The result is better system efficiency. R410a exhibits better environmental credentials than many other refrigerant gases.

R22 gas

R22 was the most commonly used refrigerant gas in residential and light commercial air conditioners, refrigerators and freezers until concerns about depletion of the ozone layer arose in the 1980s.Correct handling and reclaim procedures by installers and service technicians ensure that R22 can still be used in Australia.

This information thanks to Midea Air