Lowering the temperature on your Air Conditioner

12 tips to save power while keeping cool.

It gets hot here in Brisbane, and with power costs going through the roof, the crew here at JT Air Conditioning and Electrical thought we would share a few ways you can save on cash while staying cool.

We know it's tempting to run your air-conditioner on full blast this summer to keep cool, but it may also cost you!

There are heaps of ways you can still stay thought - and save money -  whether by installing window coverings, servicing your Air conditioner, or maybe investing in some landscaping.

Running your air conditioner doesn't have to cost you a fortune, especially if it's running efficiently. Here are a few ways that will keep you cool and save you cash!


  1. Set the temperature between 24 and 25 degrees. Setting an air conditioner just one degree warmer than you usually do can cut cooling costs by 10% or more.
  2. Only cool you are in by using zoned cooling or alternating between separate units.
  3. Add window coverings that fit snugly around windows. This can reduce seasonal heat exchange by almost half. Blinds with light-coloured backings on window-facing sides deflect sun heat.
  4. Get in early on a hot day and close windows.
  5.  In the aftenoon lower your blinds and close off rooms not in use to reduce heating inside.
  6. Plant shade trees, vines and thick shrubs. Think about shade covering for windows, walls and roofs. Planting smart can cool a home by up to 12 degrees.
  7. Add exterior shades or awnings. This can decrease the temperature in a room by up to 3 or more degrees.
  8. Open windows both sides of the house to allow cool breeze to flow through.
  9. When buying a new air conditioner, consider the size of the room. A unit too small for the space will need to run constantly but one too big will run in short cycles, causing extra wear and tear.
  10. Ensure air conditioners are in good shape by regularly cleaning or replacing the filter, keeping outdoor equipment for the system free of dirt, leaves and other debris, and covering the external part of the system when not in use during cooler months.
  11. Check the insulation in ceilings and walls. The better the insulation, the more likely cool air will stay where it's needed.
  12. Draught-proof your home if you use an air conditioner. 

Contact us for more advice about your Air Conditioning and Electrical needs because we're the cool kids on the block!


Information sourced from the CSIRO Australia.
Written by 
Air Conditioning and JT Electrical, Brisbane, Australia.

Is your house killing you?

Air Born Germs

Keeping your Air Conditioning Clean is critically important for you families health.

One cause of indoor air contamination is due to bacterial and fungal contamination of air filters, heat transfer coils and duct-work within air conditioning systems that are poorly designed and maintained.

Air passes through dust filters prior to being cooled at the cooling coil and blown out from the air conditioner. Dust filters are usually intended to remove larger particles that would foul the cooling coil and aren't effective at removing small (respirable) airborne particles. As the larger particles are trapped by the filter, they form a layer that Improves the removal of repairable particles, but at the same time they reduce the air flow and (If they become wet) provide nutrients for fungi and mould to grow inside the air conditioner. Also, when air cools at the coil, It drops Its moisture to the coil surface and If this Is not allowed to drain away, fungi and bacteria can grow there too. Since the building air Is being circulated through this system, fungi and mould spores and bacteria and odorous VOCs are released through the use of the air conditioner and contaminate the air.

Read more: Is your house killing you?

Air Conditioner tips & infographic!

Buying a bigger room air conditioner won't necessarily make you feel more comfortable during the hot summer months. In fact, a room air conditioner that's too big for the area it is supposed to cool will perform less efficiently and less effectively than a smaller, properly sized unit. The reason: an oversized unit will cool the room(s) to the thermostat set-point before proper dehumidification occurs, making the area feel “clammy” and uncomfortable. Central air-conditioning systems need to be sized by professionals.

Explore the Air Conditioner infographic (click below on Continue Reading) to find out about how to save energy and how a air conditioner works.

Read more: Air Conditioner tips & infographic!

How do Air Conditioners work

Air Condiitioner

Air conditioners explained

Air conditioners and refrigerators work the same way. Instead of cooling just the small, insulated space inside of a refrigerator, an air conditioner cools a room, a whole house, or an entire business. Air conditioners use chemicals that easily convert from a gas to a liquid and back again. This chemical is used to transfer heat from the air inside of a home to the outside air.  The machine has three main parts. They are a compressor, a condenser and an evaporator.

Read more: How do Air Conditioners work

Why service your Air Conditioner?

It is important to service your Air Conditioner on a regular basis. After twelve months of usage your efficiency may have reduced by as much as 50% and can also cause a health hazard for your home and family.

An unserviced system means:


Read more: Why service your Air Conditioner?

Poor Air Quality – How it can effect you!

Air Born Germs

You’ve heard the term, out of sight, out of mind? Because we can’t usually see bad air particles, we assume it’s all clear. The air quality inside our home can be up to 10 times more polluted than outside because we tend to keep things closed up when the weather isn’t ideal. Your air conditioning system will only stir up and circulate bad air unless you have a good filtration system to remove these unseen particles. Wonder why your having irritating health issues, you may want to check out these ways poor air quality can effect your health.

Poor Air Quality – How it can effect you!

The effects of indoor air pollutants range from short-term effects – eye and throat irritation – to long-term effects – respiratory disease and cancer. Exposure to high levels of some pollutants, such as carbon monoxide, can even result in immediate death. Also, some indoor pollutants can magnify the effects of other indoor pollutants. Based on cancer risk alone, scientists have ranked indoor air pollution as one of the most important environmental problems.

Read more: Poor Air Quality – How it can effect you!